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Image by Gianni Scognamiglio

Same Sex Marriage

Marriage of Same Sex: What Does the Church Do?


The United States Supreme Court held that same-sex couples have the legal right to marry at the national level. The talks now turn to the effects of the decision on religious freedom. Here are important resources to keep in mind about this historic decision and what it means to you and your church. ** Thanks to Dr. Gus Reyes and the Christian Life Commission of BGCT for their work in helping with these resources!

Presentation: "The Church and Same Sex Marriages"

Our Director, in cooperation with the Christian Life Commission of BGCT, has presented lectures to Hispanic churches on the steps they should take to address the legal changes that are taking place.  


The presentation focuses on the documents of your church: 1. Constitution, 2. Declaration of Faith, 3. Use of Facilities, 4. Marriage Policy, 5. Religious Employment Criteria, and 6. Formal Membership Policy.  


Download the Presentation in the preferred format:

Changes: Constitution, Policies ...

The documents of the Church - Constitution, policies, etc. - provide structure and protect the religious freedoms of the church and its members.  


Here are some of the points covered in the presentation "The Church and Marriages of Same Sex" and other resources that can help your church enhance its constitution and protections:

Christian Life Commission

"Marriage, family, sexual behavior, church and state, religious freedom, and evangelism are all important to the debate from a biblical Christian perspective." Visit the BGCT Christian Life Commission website for more resources.

Other Resources

These are additional resources that could be helpful with the topic of Same Sex Marriages:    


  • Protecting Your Ministry: A Legal Guide for Southern Baptist and Evangelical Churches, Schools, and Ministries

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Presentation - PPT
Christian Life Commision Website
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