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Ready to connect with other young leaders that are ready to make a difference?


IN 2020



  1. Develop a network of young Latino leaders in Texas. 

  2. Strengthen the relationships between young Latino leaders, both regional and statewide, through networking in cohort groups. 

  3. Activate young leaders of Hispanic Baptist congregations to work with their churches through projects that will ignite the growth of the congregation and inspire other potential young leaders to serve God by using their gifts.

  4. Impact the Baptist churches in Texas through projects envisioned and implemented by their young leaders.

  5. Equip young leaders by working with a key leader as they plan and work together on the project.

  6. Inspire the young Latino leaders in Texas to have a louder voice in their roles of leadership in their congregations and communities.


See the project description here




Arturo Flores, Primera Iglesia Bautista, Abilene | Lealonnie Flores, Primera Iglesia Bautista, Abilene | Jose Arzate, Paramount Baptist Church, Amarillo | Juan Carlos Longoria, Primera Iglesia Bautista, Austin | Jaime Cortez, First Baptist Church, Athens | Omar Rivera, Primera Iglesia Bautista, La Grange | Marco Barron, New Life, Corpus Christi | Hery Montalvo, The Promise Church, Dallas | Javier Martínez, The Promise Church, Dallas | Santiago Garía, Primera Iglesia Bautista, El Paso | Paco Silva, Primera Iglesia Bautista, Mt Vernon | Celeste Conchas, Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní, Fort Worth | Juan López, First Baptist Church, Harlingen | Hernan Ríos, Iglesia Crosspoint Church, Houston | Genaro González, Iglesia Bautista la Fe, Laredo | Sammy Nuñez, Iglesia Bautista la Fe, Laredo | Jeshuan David Ramírez, Alliance Church, Lubbock | Javier Montoya, Primera Iglesia Bautista, Odessa | Sara García, First Baptist Church, Weslaco | Deyalex González, Casa de Dios, Ballinger | Martin Ortega Jr., Iglesia Emanuel, Midland | Osman Pichola, Life Church, San Antonio | Josué Rodrpiguez, Life Church, San Antonio | Joel Vargas, Iglesia Bautista Truinfante, San Antonio | Luis Rodriguez, Iglesia Cristiana Fortaleza y Esperanza​




For More Information or to Connect with YLL's contact:


Dr. Tony Miranda


Jaime Cortez

100 Projects Info
Image by Sebastian Hietsch
Phase 1: Discovery

We know there are tons of Young Latino Leaders in Hispanic Baptist churches across the state of Texas.


Are you one of them? Church leaders, do you know one?


Tell us about yourself (or one you know) and we will connect with them!

Support Group
Phase 2: Coaching

We will select 20 key leaders in strategic communities across Texas. These "key leaders" will receive resources and training for a year.

Each key leader will recruit 5 young Latino leaders to be part of his/her cohort group. Each young leader will have entrepreneurial experience and plan, develop, and execute creative and exciting missions/ministry projects.


Cohort groups will be completed by April 17, 2020.

Support Group
Phase 3: Gatherings

The cohort groups of Young Latino Leaders will gather to grow in community, relationship and leadership.

Cohort Meeting Dates:

  • April 24, 2020

  • May 15, 2020

  • June 5, 2020

  • June 26, 2020


Big Meet-Ups for all Coaches and YLL's

  • April 22, 2020 @ Congreso (Baylor)

  • June 28, 2020 @ Convención Annual Mtg. (DBU)

  • October 9–10 The Young Latino Leadership Conference! (TBD)

Therapy Session
Phase 4: Action

Young Latino Leaders will begin implementing their entrepreneurial ministry/mission projects.


YLL's will be able to apply for "Mini-Grants" to invest in their ministry project and all along receive mentoring from their YLL Coach and others. 


The result?


Young leaders making an eternal impact!

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